Study finds proof that humans react to pheromones
March 11, 1998
Web posted at 8:59 p.m. EST (0159 GMT)
There could be important practical implications from this finding. Because pheromones influence the release of eggs, researchers say they may provide a more natural way of preventing pregnancy or treating infertility.
However, researchers say more study is needed to find out if there are other types of pheromones and if they are as powerful in humans as they are in other species.
One enduring mystery of pheromones is that if they are undetectable by the human sense of smell, how can humans be influenced by them?
The answer, some researchers believe, is that pheromones are detected by the same nerve cells in the nose used to detect odor or perhaps by another structure in the nose called the vomeronasal organ.
Medical Correspondent Rhonda Rowland contributed to this report.
尽管已证实有相当多昆虫用pheromones 来联系关于食物,领域(地区)和性别的东西(事情)与彼此同类通讯,但人类可能以同样地方式被影响的说法,在科学家中间是有争议的。
今天,在芝加哥大学的研究人员表示已证实,人类不但能产生pheromones 并且对异性的pheromones有反应。
在自然界杂志所公布的研究结果中,研究者说他们发现能够透过pheromones 的使用来调节女性排卵期--延长或缩短。芝加哥大学研究人员Martha McClintock表示有两种pheromones --一种使排卵更多以及另一种能够减少排卵。
这个研究的重要含义在于。因为pheromones 影响卵子的释放,研究者说他们可以(可能)提供避孕或者治疗不孕症的一条更合乎自然的方法。
研究人员更表示需要研究并查明是否有其他类型pheromones 以及他们是否能对人类产生如此强大作用。
研究人员已有了答案,pheromones 是由鼻子中用来探查气味的嗅觉神经细胞或是由叫做这个vomeronasal 器官(梨鼻器)的鼻子中的器官来接收pheromones的。
CNN 医学(医疗)记者Rhonda Rowland 报导。
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